English (United States) English
AIDHA Financial Literacy Courses

Financial Literacy

Financial Training Courses for domestic workers in Singapore.


This is a financial training course for foreign domestic workers in Singapore with a basic level of English and a desire to learn and save money for the future. AIDHA offers three modules that are integrated and taught over a period of 6 months for each module.

Module 1: Manage Your Money & Tech

This module teaches you how to save and manager you money, as well as build confidence. It also develops essential computer skills (only on-campus).

Module 2: Plan Your Financial Future

This module builds on the skills from module 1 and helps develop your personal financial plan. It discusses areas of investing, insurance, education, identifying scams and managing credit.

Module 3: Start Your Business

This module introduces entrepreneurship, budgeting start ups, cash flow analysis, record keeping and operations. These are essential knowledge in starting a business.


  • English (United States)


  • Singapore


  • Financial Literacy