English (United States) English
Development Bank of the Philippines


A special lending arrangement to support micro-. small. and medium enterprises in the Philippines.

The DBP Credit Surety Fund (CSF) Credit Facility is a special lending window in support to the CSF program of Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, which aims to support growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) which are short of acceptable collateral.

The CSF aims to increase the credit worthiness of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) that are experiencing difficulty in obtaining loans from banks due to lack of acceptable collaterals, credit knowledge and credit track records.

Eligible Borrower

  1. Cooperatives and NGOs which are contributors to the CSF
  2. SME members of the above contributing Cooperatives and NGOs
  3. Partnership whose majority partners, including the capitalist partner are members of the CSF-participating cooperative/NGO
  4. Corporation with at least 67% or 2/3 of its shares of stocks is owned by a member of a CSF-participating cooperative/NGO.

Eligible Loan Purpose

  • Finance entrepreneurial business activities
  • Relending/Sub-loan to members

Loanable Amount

Maximum of up to 10 times of the member’s contribution or the maximum eligible for CSF Surety Cover, whichever is lower.


  • English (United States)


  • Philippines


  • Credit