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Learn about savings accounts and term deposits

What are common savings or deposit products?

Wanting to save but not sure what products are available? You can learn more about savings accounts and term deposits by reading our latest blog post


When it comes to savings, there are a lot of different products available that can help you reach your goals. These include regular savings accounts, term deposits, and more. This blog will explain what they are and how they work so you can choose the option that’s right for you. 


The basics of savings products 

Savings accounts and deposit products are used to store money for a short or long period of time. They can help you save up for your goals and plan ahead financially, while also providing financial protection against unexpected events like emergencies or job loss.  

Savings accounts are also known as deposit accounts, while deposit products are also known as savings accounts. Both have their own pros and cons, so it’s important to compare what’s available before deciding on which one is right for you. 


What are the different types of savings accounts? 

Savings accounts are a great way to earn interest on your money. 

  • A basic savings account (also known as a transaction or checking account) is the most basic type of account you can have at a bank and uses checks and debit cards so you can make withdrawals and deposits whenever you want. 
  • Savings accounts that require an initial deposit amount to open an account are called tiered or reward savings accounts, which offer higher rates based on how much money you deposit into the account each month. For example, a bank might give customers 1% interest for their first $25 in the first year, 2% interest for their first $50-$99 in year two, 3% interest for their first $100-$249 in year three and 4% interest for all future funds above $250 per month. 
  • Some banks offer ways for depositors to earn even more interest by encouraging them to set aside certain amounts of money per month or quarter—this is called automatic investment products like CDs (certificates of deposit). When choosing this option, it’s important to remember that there are penalties if you withdraw early from these types of investments, which means they’re not ideal if you think something might happen unexpectedly in life like losing your job or getting injured while playing sports with friends etc. 


What benefits do different savings accounts offer? 

  • Interest rates. The interest rate is the amount you earn for depositing money in a savings account or certificate of deposit (CD). The interest rate is generally tied to how much risk your bank takes on by lending you money, with higher-risk accounts offering higher rates. 
  • Minimum deposit amounts. Many banks require a minimum amount before they’ll open an account for you, so be sure to check before you sign up. 
  • Account opening and maintenance fees. Some banks charge a fee every time they open an account for you, while others do it only once or twice per year—it depends on the bank and its policies. 
  • Transaction fees: Most banks charge transaction fees if you withdraw money from an ATM outside of their network (unless there are no ATMs at all in that area), so make sure to look into this when deciding which savings account to go with! 
  • Maximum amount that can be withdrawn: While some banks limit withdrawals from certain types of accounts—such as emergency funds—others don’t have any rules about how much money can be withdrawn at once or whether there’s any kind of limit period where this isn’t allowed because “deposits may not cover all withdrawals made by Customer” (bank policy). If someone tries making larger withdrawals than what was initially deposited into their account, then management might freeze access until further notice – but if it happens too often then there might also be consequences like fines/suspensions due immediately.” 


How does a term deposit work? 

A term deposit is a savings product where you deposit a fixed amount of money for a specified period of time, usually six months or more. The interest rate on the account is fixed at the time you open it and remains the same throughout its term. 

The main benefit of term deposits is that they give you access to your savings while still earning interest. If you withdraw your money before the end of the term, however, there will be an early withdrawal penalty charge applied (usually around 90 days’ worth of interest). 

Most term deposits allow investors to withdraw their funds at any time without being penalized—but not all banks are equal in this regard! For example, a bank might offer “no lock-in” accounts with no penalty if withdrawn within 14 days after opening; however, other providers offer penalties ranging from three months’ to 12 months’ worth of interest depending on how long it has been held for. 


What information should I consider before choosing a term deposit? 

  • Interest rate. This is how much you can earn on your money if it’s locked away for a term. The longer the term, the higher the interest rate. But be sure to think about whether you’ll still want to keep that money in an account when its time runs out—if not, consider opening an account with a shorter term and reinvesting it later on. 
  • Compound interest. This is when your account keeps earning more money as time goes by (and I don’t mean from being put into other accounts). If there are compound interest options available to you, they’ll usually come with higher rates than those without them. 
  • Minimum deposit amount: How much do you need to deposit at once? Many banks will at least let you start off small with small amounts of money until they decide whether or not they’re going to work well together in the long run—but some might require a very large initial investment right off the bat that could end up costing more than just getting yourself set up elsewhere in terms of fees and whatnot when all’s said and done.” 


Do your research to find which type of account is right for you. 

Before you open an account, make sure you understand the features of each product. Some savings accounts may have no fees and a high interest rate, but they might not allow transfers from other accounts or have limited transactions per month. You should also look at how often interest is paid out—some accounts pay it monthly and others quarterly or annually. 

The key to finding the right savings product is taking the time to compare different banks’ offerings so you can find one with features that suit your needs and preferences. As well as comparing interest rates, make sure to look at fees because these will usually be higher than those on current accounts or credit cards. 



We hope this article has given you a good understanding of the different types of savings accounts and term deposits available. Remember to do your research and compare different products before deciding on one, because not all products are created equal. You may also want to talk with friends or family members who have had experience with these products to find out what they liked or disliked about them. Good luck!