English (Australia) English


Training programs in financial literacy and self-development skills that will enable women to have more opportunities and choice in the future.


AIDHA works to provide training programs in financial literacy and self-development skills that will enable women to have more opportunities and choice in the future. Classes include money management, computer literacy, and leadership and entrepreneurial skills. All programs are aimed to break women out of poverty, developing skills and savings habits to start a sustainable business for their families. More information about AIDHA and their history is available here.



Module 1- Finance and Technology

Courses consist of Compass Club (learning how to save and budget), Leadership Club (building effective communication skills), and Computer Workshop (basic and advanced computer skills.)

Module 2 – Entrepreneurship and Business Management

Courses include Venture Club (keys to starting a business and writing a business plan) and Advanced Leadership Club (learning business and management skills.)  You must graduate Module 1 to be eligible for these classes.

Module 2 –  Improving Your English

Classes work to assist in learning to communicate more effectively in English, increase confidence in speaking and writing English, and preparation for AIDHA’s finance and entrepreneurship classes (listed above.)




  • English (Australia)


  • Philippines
  • Singapore


  • Education