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International Labour Organization


Supports Migrant Worker Resource Centres (MRCs) in Cambodia


Cambodia’s MRCs provides a space for you to find information on migrating for work, ask questions, and lodge complaints. Counselling is provided at each MRC through outreach activities, meetings, online and over the phone. Information is also shared through broadcasts on local radio and television, job fairs, and seminars on safe migration in schools, vocational training centres and in the community.

In Cambodia, MRCs offer legal aid when migrant workers’ rights are abused, serve as an accessible link to the local authorities and deliver information on migration.

A variety of partner institutions, including job centres within provincial labour departments, trade unions and civil society organisations, were involved in their creation and run the centres. Currently, TRIANGLE in ASEAN is supporting MRCs in the following locations in Cambodia:

Battambang National Employment Agency MRC
No 12, street Sangke River, Battambang province
Tel.:+885 17 714 407
Tel.:+885 53 733 111
Email: sisoli020182@gmail.com; jc_battambang@nea.gov.kh

Battambang Provincial Department of Labour and Vocational Training (PDOLVT)
# No. Village Chek IV, Sangkat Ratanak, Battambang City, Battambang province,
Tel: +855-12727068
Email: darameas2003@yahoo.com

Kampong Cham Phnom Srey Organization for Development MRC
No 126, st PhreahMonivong, ChroyThmar,
Sangkat Boeungkok, Kampong Cham City
Email: imengtek@gmail.com

Kampong Cham Provincial Department of Labour and Vocational Training (PDOLVT)
# Boeungkok 2, Kampong Cham city
Tel: +855-11 652222
Tel: +855-011 448499
Email: pdlvt_kgcham@yahoo.com

Kampot National Employment Agency MRC
No 01, Street Kelometre 8
Tel: +855-016506655
Tel: +855-092 919107
Email: phoeukchanthy7@gmail.com; jc_kampot@nea.gov.kh

Kampot Provincial Department of Labour and Vocational Training (PDOLVT)
# Sub road, National road 33, Trapeang Thom, Chumkreal, commune, Toeuk Chhou district, Kampot province
Tel: +855-012 572168
Email: eng.poheng@gmail.com

Prey Veng Cambodian Labour Confederation MRC
House No. 23, National Road 11
Prey Veng
Tel: +855 0977765858
Tel: +855-016479994
Email: sopheaptph88@gmail.com

Prey Veng Provincial Department of Labour and Vocational Training (PDOLVT)
# No. 1 Village, Sang Kat Kampong Leav Krong Prey Veng, Prey Veng
Tel: +855-12799907
Email: savath.nop@gmail.com

Department of Employment and Manpower
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
No.3, Russian Federation Boulevard,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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