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Krungsri Bank

Krungsri Bank is a regional bank in Thailand that offers a vast array of financial services.

Krungsri Bank is a regional bank in Thailand that offers a vast array of financial services. Krungsri Bank makes it easy for Thai diaspora to send money home. The bank offers a mobile banking service and access to the Western Union network for money transfer services.

In order to register for the service, customer needs to link their savings or current account with mobile phone number or citizen ID number via the following channels: Krungsri ATM, Krungsri Online, KMA and Krungsri Biz Online, Krungsri branches. The bank may require different documents for different channels of registration as follows:

Krungsri ATM:
1. ATM card and the PIN number
2. Citizen ID number or Mobile phone number to link with the account

Krungsri Online/ KMA/ Krungsri Biz Online
1. Username and Password
2. Citizen ID number and/or Mobile phone number to link with the account

Krungsri Branches
1. Citizen ID card
2. Citizen ID number or Mobile phone number to link with the account